1. General provisions

1.1. The business conditions of mysterio.sk apply to purchases in the online store www.mysterio.sk. The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define and specify the rights and obligations of the seller (supplier) on the one hand and the buyer (customer, consumer) on the other.

1.2. The seller and operator of the online store www.mysterio.sk is PetronGroup s.r.o., Pod hájem 1097/96 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom, registered in the Commercial Register of the Trenčín District Court, section: Sro, file no. 40252 / R, ID: 53106377, VAT: 2121280392

1.3. All contractual relations between the seller and the buyer are concluded in accordance with the law of the Slovak Republic. In the event that the contracting party is a consumer, legal relations not regulated by the business conditions of begentleman.sk are governed by Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code, as amended, Act no. 250/2007 Coll. Consumer Protection Act, as amended, and Act no. 108/2000 Coll. on consumer protection in doorstep selling and mail order sales, as amended. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the legal relations not regulated by the business conditions of begentleman.sk are governed by Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended.

2. Definitions

2.1. Consumer purchase contract - for the purposes of purchase in the online store www.mysterio.sk it means a purchase contract if the contracting parties are the supplier on the one hand and the consumer who could not individually influence the content of the proposal for the conclusion of the contract prepared by the supplier (hereinafter "Consumer Purchase Agreement");

2.2. Non-consumer purchase contract - for the purposes of purchase in the online store www.mysterio.sk it means a purchase contract concluded in accordance with Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, if the contracting parties are, on the one hand, a supplier and, on the other hand, an entrepreneur who acts within the scope of his business or other entrepreneurial activity when concluding and fulfilling the purchase contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Non-Consumer Purchase Contract");

(Consumer Purchase Agreement and Non-Consumer Purchase Agreement hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Purchase Agreement").

2.2. Supplier - a person who acts within the scope of his business or other entrepreneurial activity when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract. It is an entrepreneur who offers or sells products or provides services to the consumer and also an entrepreneur who directly or through other entrepreneurs supplies the product to the buyer (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller");

2.3. Consumer (buyer) - a natural or legal person who purchases products or uses services for personal use or for members of his household and who does not act within the scope of his business or other entrepreneurial activity when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract

2.4. Buyer who is not a consumer - is a person who acts within the scope of his business or other entrepreneurial activity when concluding and fulfilling the Purchase Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer - non-consumer");

2.5. Conclusion of the Purchase Agreement - the Buyer's order represents a proposal for the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Agreement itself is concluded upon delivery of the Seller's binding consent to the draft Purchase Agreement to the Buyer, i. binding confirmation of the order by the Seller. From this moment, mutual rights and obligations arise between the Buyer and the Seller, which are defined by the Purchase Agreement and these business conditions, which are an integral part of the Purchase Agreement.

2.6. Business conditions - contractual provisions agreed between the Seller and the Buyer in this document. At the time of sending your order, the Buyer confirms that he agrees with these terms and conditions valid at the time of sending his order and is bound by them from the moment of concluding the Purchase Agreement. By sending your order, the buyer confirms that before placing his order, he has read these terms and conditions and agrees with the terms and conditions without reservation.

3. Withdrawal from the contract

3.1. In accordance with the provisions of § 7 par. 1 a. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the premises of the seller, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 3 days of receipt of the goods.

3.2. The consumer is obliged to return the goods or hand them over to the seller or a person authorized by the seller to take over the goods no later than 3 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract.

3.3. It is not possible to withdraw from the contract for goods enclosed in protective packaging, which is not suitable for return for health protection or hygienic reasons, and whose protective packaging was broken after delivery.

3.4. If the consumer has already taken over the ordered goods, he is obliged to return them in the original undamaged packaging. In the event that the consumer returns the ordered goods damaged, partially consumed or in a condition that does not correspond to the condition in which the seller was about

4. Liability for errors, warranty, complaints

4.1. The seller provides a warranty for the product for a period of 12 months. The warranty begins to run from the takeover of the item by the buyer. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt. In the event that the goods do not correspond to the purchase contract upon receipt by the buyer, the buyer is obliged to notify the seller immediately. In case of:

If the error is remediable, the buyer has the right to be free, timely and properly removed without undue delay or. the right to exchange things. The buyer acknowledges that the seller is entitled to replace the faulty goods with faultless ones instead of eliminating the error, unless it causes serious difficulties for the buyer
this is an unrecoverable error that prevents the goods from being used properly, the buyer has the right to exchange the item or the right to withdraw from the contract
this is an irreparable error, which does not prevent the goods from being properly used, the buyer is entitled to a reasonable discount on the price
this is a remediable error, but the buyer cannot properly use the item due to a recurring error after repair or due to a larger number of errors, the buyer has the right to exchange the goods or the right to withdraw from the contract
4.2. The buyer acknowledges that the seller is not responsible for defects in the goods, which were caused in causal connection with the act or omission of the buyer.

4.3. At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to provide a written guarantee, ie. by issuing a guarantee certificate. If the seller provides a longer warranty than the statutory warranty for the goods, its conditions and scope will be specified in the warranty card. The warranty card must contain the name and surname of the seller or. business name of the seller, ID number, registered office of the seller, if it is a legal entity or residence if it is a natural person. If the nature of the matter allows it, it is sufficient to issue a proof of purchase instead of a guarantee certificate.

4.4. When making a claim under the statutory warranty, the buyer is obliged to prove the conclusion of the purchase contract with the seller proof of purchase and possibly issued a guarantee certificate. The Seller undertakes to settle the justified complaint according to these business conditions without delay, no later than within 30 calendar days from the date of the complaint, unless the Seller and the Buyer agree otherwise.

Complaints address:

PetronGroup s.r.o., Tolstého 9, 811 06 Bratislava, info@mysterio.sk

5. Prices

5.1. All prices listed on the site are final, including VAT and without further increase. The site operator reserves the right to change prices in the event of unauthorized interference with the content. The final price for the buyer is stated in the order confirmation.

5.2. The supplier reserves the right to correct the price of the goods before sending them, if it is found that the price of the offered goods was not stated correctly. In this case, he must inform the customer of the correct price and he must agree to the price adjustment. Otherwise, the purchase contract will not be concluded and the order will be canceled by the supplier.

6. Transport

6.1. We process and ship orders every business day. The ordered goods will be ready within one hour of order confirmation.

Delivery of goods after order processing takes 15 to 60 minutes, depending on server load.

The cost of sending an e-mail is included in the price of the product.

6.2. Ways of transport:

6.2.1. Sending the riddle to the e-mail box specified by the client.

7. Payment methods

In the online store mysterio.sk you can pay the purchase price as follows:

7.1. Transfer to Fio Bank account

7.2. GoPay payment gateway

8. Discounts and discount coupons

8.1. In the event that the discount or discount coupon is applied in violation of the rules of the discount or discount coupon, the seller has the right to refuse such application of the discount or discount coupon.

8.2. In this case, the client is informed and will be offered the opportunity to process the order without this discount or coupon.

8.3. The rules and conditions for applying a specific discount are attached either directly to the discount (in the form of written information) or there is a link to the discount on the website, where the rules of the discount are described in detail.

8.4. Each discount or coupon can be applied only once, unless explicitly stated otherwise. In the case of multiple use, the seller has the right not to accept a duplicate discount.

If the value of the gift voucher or discount coupon is higher than the value of the purchase, the difference is not transferred to the new coupon and the unused amount is not reimbursed.
